Subject fantasy
DateCreated 10/16/2006 8:23:00 PM
PostedDate 10/16/2006 7:53:00 PM

and what if I told you

I want you

to hold you

to touch you

to feel you

to know you

where you live


and what if I told you

and what if I showed you


and what if I showed you

I want you

to learn you

to earn you

preserve you

deserve you

give all I can give


and what if I showed you

and what if I


open myself to your every command

and dedicate myself to understand

your fondest desires

and what lights your fires

I will feed your pleasure

consume your despair

to please you

to breathe you

will you be my air


and what if I watched

how your breathing changes

when I touch you there

when I caress here

set yourself free


and what if I paid

the closest attention

to your slightest shiver

your body delivers

your fantasy


you tell me...

you tell me...

you tell me...