Subject saw Paramore, missing a paramore
DateCreated 9/24/2006 10:49:00 PM
PostedDate 9/24/2006 10:34:00 PM

The concert: This Providence, Hit The Lights, Cute is What We Aim For, and Paramore... great... even though I smell of cigarette smoke and the singers mikes were drowned out by the amps, still great...

The company: my niece (sorta) and her best friend (who spent the night at the foot of the stage) and random strangers (with whom I exchanged smiles, bumps, and conversation between sets)... distant... and I miss the intimacy of sharing secrets, passions, music, and love...

it was the joyous sound of music
that put me into the right mood
to feel my whole body and use it
wet, dry, hot, cold, clothed, nude
it was the passion playing my chords
and dreams my heart dreams of
that left me lonely in a crowd
pressed against a mass of humanity
wanting to fall in love
but oh how I love those dreams my heart dreams of
and oh how I love to feel like falling in love

can one grow too old for the mosh pit?