honest love

I close most of my personal correspondence with these two words... honest love...
and seldom am I asked what I mean, but often assumptions lead people to respond
with expectations or judgments or not respond at all... what do you see in the words?

what I see, and send, is an offer of caring without strings or expectations...

I've been asked why not just close with 'love' then?

simply, because I believe love is the most used, abused, confused, and misused word in
any language and I want to differentiate between the casual meaning of the word... I
want you to ask what I mean, I want to know what you mean in your heart when you
say you care... so I challenge you with the word honest... how honest is your love?...
how honest are you with yourself in your own heart... really?...

if you don't want to go there...
then you don't want to come here.

honest love, ric

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