gone leave for obscurity what is too painful to express . o O ( but not the madness ) O o . curmudgeon beans leave no trace but gas unseen could hint at previous presense prior to chelation wouldst Jack had thought to cast off some then... but there may be no magic in some lives when belief depletes and then to leave substance of worth behind when trust is all that matters only to find disaster within after all, again... enough times burned and the fire repels before it is lit... sigh... there is music beyond our reason that even perception misses and if nothing brings you over your walls to see then you die without knowing... perhaps that is why some seek more, ever disatisfied with what is based on claims of what will be... and some care nthing for anything that does not benefit them directly... and some use and abuse and steal and cheat and lie and hurt as much as they can lost in disregard and selfishness and insecurity... there's more to evil than greed and cruelty, there is life without music... sigh... so now I deliberately construct the abstract as a maze to prevent you from entering unless you are willing to take the time and spend the energy to seek more than surface understanding and give more than you receive, tested beyond the limits you thought you had... and if you, as most will, disappear before the next page, then you will go the way you choose and be as you please at best (and I still hope for the best) perhaps pleasantly ambivalent or aloof without knowledge within... and that is alright, for I seek only one, after all... and if you read on, you may hear the silence... ![]() MUSICAL JOURNEYS MAINGATE HOME GARDENS BIOS KITS WORKLIFE LIFETIMES JOURNALS HEARTBEATS SIGN GUESTBOOK VIEW GUESTBOOK SIGN SLAMBOOK! VIEW SLAMBOOK! ![]() |