these days, i'm actually loving the privacy of living alone

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while sharing a place is great in many ways, i am enjoying living alone

i'm looking for a place to live on the east side of orlando, close to ucf... most likely an apartment rental with good amenities... my current lease ends in august so i need to find a place available during august...

i would love to find someone to live with, cuddle with, share activities with, and eventuall grow old with (though forever young is the state of mind we'll always share, right?)... i'd like to share creating a space, decorating, building a home, but until i find someone with enough in common with me to live with, i'll enjoy the privacy of living alone...

give me a call... or send me an email
wanna know more?... some things I want to find
some things I like to do... add yourself to my address book

thank you... honest love, ric

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